Perfil de Kenneth Kuh

Pleasure Exposure


Pleasure Exposure                
Editorial Design, Photography                                                                                                                                                                                     

A zine focusing on the core of communication design: creating a relationship between the designer and the audience; developing a new concept from Marina Abramovic and another subject of my choice: Facekini. Visual contents were created through multiple media: photography, illustration, image manipulation, etc. The zine comes in one package and is able to be divided into three parts which focus on three aspects of the subjects individually. The smallest one called, "Guide to Protecting Yourself from UV" focuses on the characteristics of the mask wearing habit, while the medium one called "Consciousness" focuses on the psychological side of such behavior and lastly, the main zine called "Pleasure Exposure" focuses on the relationship between the performance artist and the face mask tradition.

Marina Abramovic is a performance artist whose work involves putting herself in danger in a harmful routine that would seem almost sacrificial and yet it is where the pure form of art manifests. Meanwhile, Facekini is a traditional facial mask worn by a certain population in a Chinese province called Qing Dao, in order to offer protection both from the sunlights and the jellyfish in the region.

The idea is to explore the connection and further emphasize on how wearing a mask can potentially lower one's self consciousness; aligning the similar believes with the meaning of performance art. 


Pleasure Exposure_Main Zine

Explains how the two subjects connect with each other from different aspects: history, meaning, values, contents etc. The visual presentation is done in multiple ways to ensure the audience has a parallel experience of watching a visual performance as reading this zine. Meanwhile, several  interviews on Marina Abramavic are also included to help guiding the readers into performance art. 

Pleasure Exposure_Mini Zine

A collection of stories and memories shared by the ones who had once suffered due to their self consciousness or lack of confidence; however, all they have in common is the desire to conceal themselves with something: could be a new outfit, a new pair of glasses or simply a confident smile. In the world we live in today, everyone tends to be putting on a "mask" to hide their venerability while isolating their emotions out from their behaviors. 
The stickers included inside this side zine serves as an opportunity for the audience to have interaction with the stories inside, by sticking the facekini onto the figures; they can have a tangible impression on how consciousness works. 

Guide to Protecting Yourself from UV
Side Zine  

A visual presentation from the projection experiment I did with the concept Facekini. Providing the audience with a better idea of how one would look like when putting on the mask, while reminding them the core values of performance art. 

Projection Experiment
Visual Presentation  

To emphasize on the nature of putting on a mask both physically and conceptually. I did a digital mapping of a full beach outfit with the facekini projecting onto my body, sunscreen was also worn to strengthen the visual elements while providing a texture on my face. In this way, I am not only "putting on a mask" but also doing performance art since I was not able to move during the entire shoot, only instructions were delivered from time to time in order to let my body move into the matching posture as the projection. 


Thank you for Viewing.

Special Thanks to Cash Huang, Wen Tsai and Sunny Li
Pleasure Exposure
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Pleasure Exposure

A zine based on Marina Abramovic, a performance artist and facekini, a traditional Chinese face ware. Discovering the core values of performance Ver mais

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