From pencil to pixel, I have years of experience illustrating everything from concepts, storyboards, environmental graphics, to production-ready vector assets.
Since I didn't have the $10,000 to buy an original, I recreated it, including the custom type and period-correct logos. Saul Bass was a genius.
When I create a digital illustration, it isn't just a matter of making it look realistic, but seamlessly integrating brand, creating original elements, and changing the stock photography so that it is a transformative work that doesn't scream, "STOCK!"
Working on this project involved with working closely with the Seattle branch of the ASC. The venue had already been booked, so it was matter of choosing a theme that would work well with it and could be leveraged across a variety of marketing materials, swag, environmental graphics, and activities. I suggested 'I'll be seeing you' not only because it is a classic song that most people would immediately recognize, but for the strong emotional sentiment for anyone who has been touched by the disease. At the same time, the theme allowed the use of fun and colorful jazz-era inspired graphics and music adding to the overall warmth and nostalgia.
As I am sure you can tell, I love movies and classic movie poster art. These are pieces I did for myself in Photoshop using photo reference. The first was inspired by Fritz Lang's Metropolis, while the second the poster art for This Gun For Hire.
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