The project ComplexCity propose an alternative to the actual way public space are planned. A participative democracy could arise from our internet society, thanks to thousands of sensors and digital tools to connect people to the reality of the space.
The project ComplexCity creates a tool that allows citizens to use and create urban data. The software makes it possible to collect, organise and visualize the information captured by sensors located in the city or, sent by the users. It helps people get familiar with physical and ecological conditions in their living area, such as temperature, air quality, humidity, lighting etc. With this information intuitively visualized users can find
the most comfortable place for their needs and discover the advantages of their district. On the other hand they can document a problem, for example, excessive noise levels and report them to the municipality. Equally with sensoric data, human uploaded information can be also accessed in order to help the public self-organise and create different activities in the neighborhood. Also people propose ideas for their area, which could be anything from a new kinder garden, to a weekend market or a building restoration.
After the project proposal citizens can vote for and against them using the application. This can make a connection between public and the government much more direct and more people will be represented. The ecological aspect can also be explored with this application as users can upload their recycling data to
the database and compete between neighborhoods, stimulating awareness in ecology. As a result the
most ecological districts can get grants from the city government to improve the infrastructure.
Research Invisioned by:  Petr Novikov, Alexandre Dubor, Giorgio Badalacchi and Jianhong Wu
At the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Cataluña
Guided by: Tomas Diez and Areti Markopoulu as main tutor
We experimented the concept on the Joanic area of Barcelona
participative process : online review of an urban project for the area
The ASKit developped by Fablabbcn and iaac to sense the city
What will emerge from this chaos?
Exhibition at Smart City Expo, Barcelona
This project served as a base to envision the smartcitizen platform :


The project ComplexCity propose an alternative to the actual way public space are planned. A participative democracy could arise from our interne Read More
