Rótulo de vinho inspirado na cultura oriental, três tipos sendo cada um deles um deus, Amaterasu (Deusa do sol, escolhido a águia diurna para representá-la), Tsukuyomi (Deusa da lua, escolhido um lobo para representá-lo, por ser um animal noturno) e Susanoo (Deus do mar e das tempestades, escolhido o bode pois sua representação remete a algo maligno e Susanoo é conhecido por inúmeras trapaças e ações desonradas).
Mockup utilizado: Collector's Black Bottle of wine, disponibilizado por Artem Yakimchuk, todos os direitos a ele, segue link para Mockup: https://www.behance.net/gallery/27626405/FREE-Collectors-Black-Bottle-of-Wine-mock-up

Wine label inspired on the eastern culture, three labels which one representing a god, Amaterasu (Goddess of the sun, the eagle was chosen because it is a daytime animal), Tsukuyomi (Goddes of the moon, it was chosen the wolf because it is a notcurnal animal) and Susanoo (God of the sea and storms, the goat was chosen because its representation means something evil and Susanoo is known as a god of countless bad actions).
Mockup used: Collector's Black Bottle of Wine, by Artem Yakimchuk, all right reserved, link for it: https://www.behance.net/gallery/27626405/FREE-Collectors-Black-Bottle-of-Wine-mock-up

Oriental Arts

Oriental Arts

Eastern Wine label and package design - Design de rótulo e embalagem de vinho oriental.
