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Bread for the World: A Quest to End World Hunger.

Bread for the World
Effective copywriting is essential for any successful media designer. This is because designing is about the ability to present a visual story that encourages the target audience to take action. The following four images are examples of testimonial advertisements. Each advertisement provides text that is intended to be spoken from the perspective of the subject matter. The goal behind each advertisement was to invoke a sense of empathy and ultimately encourage participation towards ending world hunger. 
Bread for the World | Testimonial Advertisement
Spokesperson: Hunger victims. 
Example of: Quote Testimonial, utilizing "The Power of Fact."
Target Audience: Men and women of middle to old age, (more specifically middle-aged men and women who follow the Christian faith, since this is a Christian organization). I chose these ad options in order to convey the internal and external struggles that hunger victims endure. These ads are meant to be heartfelt, emotional, and encourage the desire to participate. Put yourself in their shoes. Consider how life would be if you were deprived of food.
The image below was one of the stronger design solutions produced for the Bread for the World campaign. This testimonial advertisement not only effectively uses copy to differentiate it from the three ad examples above, but it also accurately makes a connection between the intended target audience and those who suffer from world hunger by including the audience within the advertisement. It does so by incorporating visual imagery and effective copy to address both those affected by world hunger and those who are not. Both the copy and imagery differentiate this advertisement from the three examples. They also provide a solution that makes the intended target audience relate to the advertisement on a deeper level. This is because speaking directly to the audience and using empathy are two proven methods towards driving an audience emotionally and driving more engagement and participation (Kettler, 2008). Rather than merely stating the problem, this advertisement compares those who suffer from world hunger to those who do not; It places them on an even playing field. This inevitably yields the ability for the viewer to put themselves in the shoes of world hunger victims. 
Bread for the World | Testimonial Advertisement
Spokesperson: Experts (both on the subject of hunger and hunger victims), CEO of Bread for the World, Bread for the World members, other nonprofit organizations that strive to end world hunger. 
Example of: Claims Testimonial, utilizing "The Power of Fact."
Target Audience: Men and women of middle to old age. (More specifically middle-aged men and women who follow the Christian faith, since this is a Christian organization). I chose this ad option in order to promote equality and relate everyday people to hunger victims. We are all one in the same. We bleed the same, we breathe the same, and we have the same necessities. Put yourself in their shoes. Consider how life would be if you were deprived of food.
Kettler, Ryan. “5 Ways to Connect with Your Audience Emotionally to Drive More Engagement.” Convince and Convert: Social Media Consulting and Content Marketing Consulting, 2008, 
Bread for the World: A Quest to End World Hunger.

Bread for the World: A Quest to End World Hunger.

Bread for the World | Testimonial Advertisements | to promote equality and relate everyday people to hunger victims. We are all one in the same. Další informace
