An event game that uses the prisoner's dilemma to explore relationships and trust.
First appearing in the Come Out and Play Festival in 2009 in New York City for nearly 100 players, Heartbreaker is an event game that asks players to find their true love while breaking the most hearts along the way. Using the prisoner's dilemma construct, any two players can approach a game referee to do one of two things: find out if the other is their true love OR break the other's heart. Each player makes the decision of what to do privately, and then on the count of three reveal their choice. If both players chose "find true love," then dice will be rolled to find out if the pair is a match... but if one chose to "break the other's heart," then this player gets a point while the other gets a broken heart (and with six broken hearts you're eliminated). If both players chose to "break the other's heart," then both have their heart temperature lowered... and if you're heart gets too cold after three drops, you're eliminated.
Player scorecard.


I created this game for the 2009 Come Out & Play Festival, my third to be included in the fest. This game would work for any large event and a gr Read More


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