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Coowl Milk Packaging Design

Coowl Milk,
It is a daily dairy product brand aiming to increase the inclusion of milk consumption into daily life.
Dairy products; The goal is to increase consumption and strengthen its image by bringing it to a more "cool" point than it is.

The brand that targets more young people is basically appealing to all age groups in general.
In the packaging design, amorphous forms are used to refer to the fluidity of the bowl, while at the same time contrary to conventional milk packaging, design dynamism is aimed to participate. The logotype was used green to draw attention to the design in black-and-white dominance and to refer to nature. 
It is also aimed to support the brand's motto "Cool Dairy Products" because it is thought to be a joke when designing on the cakes at the same time the letters on the packaging.
 In addition to these, it is aimed to add a design joke by using exaggerated label words like "Delicious", "Super Cool" on the packaging.
The products, which are sensitive spots such as daily freshness, being 100% natural, will not hesitate to use these sensitivities as marketing tools.
Coowl Milk Packaging Design
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Coowl Milk Packaging Design

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