This is a project done for Character Drawing and Design class. Will only be posting the final illustration. Sadly, I didn't have enough time to finish coloring all of them. The characters are based on a memory I have from when I was little and my mom caught me playing with an office cutting knife, so the characters look like us in that time.
The story goes a bit like:
A little girl is reprimanded by her mother when she's found playing with an office cutting knife. For a brief moment, the girl looked at her mother (who was annoyed at this point) as she explained the danger of playing with such object, and had a brief glimpse of her mother with antennae with shocks that swayed as she spoke. But then her mother was back to normal. With this the girl becomes thoughtful and suspicious and asks herself if her mother might be a robot.

My mom is a... Robot?!

My mom is a... Robot?!
