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LAVOS - Villainous Vinyl

“Eons And”

Genre: Heavy Post-Rock

1. Big Fire
2. Sleep Cycle I: Snow and Thunder
3. Sleep Cycle II: Zeal of the Enlightened
4. Sleep Cycle III: Subaqueous Machinations
5. Stirring
6. Sleep Cycle IV: Kingdoms and Monsters
7. Wake Up and Destroy the World
8. Scattered in the Wind

Part II of the Villainous Vinyl series.

Playing Chrono Trigger on the SNES is such an incredible experience. There's a lot to unpack there, but I'll keep it on the subject at hand: LAVOS. There's a heavy Lovecraftian element to this villain, it hinted of a depth of power and timelessness that my prepubescent mind could not fully come to grips with it. But yet, there was also a certain innocence to it. Sure, Lavos crashlands into the Earth, wiping out almost all life by starting an early ice age, and sure, it buries itself deep within the planet's core and sucks the lifeforce from the planet until it finally emerges to destroy the world in an apocalyptic firestorm, okay, yeah, I get it. BUT. It can also be argued that it's simply the creatures nature, and it's only following the instincts of a predator (albeit a humongous one that can traverse the vacuum of space). So that's why, rather than some form of heavy metal hinting at a sinister or consciously malevolent being, I picture Lavos as more of an ambient heavy post-rock album. Loud, screaming guitars on top of a foundation of neutral ambience. 
LAVOS - Villainous Vinyl

LAVOS - Villainous Vinyl

Part II of an ongoing series where fictional villains are given the full vinyl album design treatment.
