Probably my most intricate mandala
Pencil, ink, remix.  That’s routine for many artists and it’s no different for me.  I like to go freehand particularly when working with florals or mandala designs - the perfect, mathematically designed mandalas made with compasses and rulers are very hypnotic, attractive, and pleasing to the eye, but just isn’t my thing.  I like the wavy, imperfect lines and circles.  There’s a raw, carnal, and very human element in the imperfections and natural linework.
With this mandala I was feeling very welcoming and open minded.  I believe gay marriage had just been legalized in America and I wanted to make an all inclusive design to show we’re all different on the outside but no matter what all of our blood runs red.
See more at my Instagram: @Trizzlepuffs


Inspired by equality, created with love. Varied is my way of saying we’re all equal but not the same.
