Profil von Tosin Adeniyi


John Howard Society is a Canadian organization that aids ex-convicts in rehabilitation and reintegration into society after incarceration. My team and I pitched this advertising campaign to their Toronto Division as part of a term project under the Bachelor of Creative Advertising program at Humber College. I worked as the art director and graphic designer alongside Noah Falovitch (copywriter) and Vivien Pham (accounts executive). The goal of the campaign was to reduce the stigma associated with ex-convicts in order to create housing and employment opportunities.
Instagram Ad in multiple image format (Slide 1)
Instagram Ad in multiple image format (Slide 2)
Instagram Ad in multiple image format (Slide 3)
Instagram Ad in multiple image format (Slide 4)
Instagram Ad in multiple image format (all slides)
Instagram Ad in multiple image format (Slide 1)
Instagram Ad in multiple image format (Slide 2)
Instagram Ad in multiple image format (Slide 3)
Instagram Ad in multiple image format (Slide 4)
Instagram Ad in multiple image format (all slides)
Ad mockup (Instagram & Facebook)
Transit Ad
Transit Ad
Transit Ad
Transit Ad
Transit Ad mockup
The team observed that there were a lot of opportunities for the cause on social media. However, the brand had a weak social media presence. The key issues were multiple pages and inconsistent branding across the board. As the art director, I created a few simple brand guidelines that covered color usage, type usage, and logo usage. I went ahead to create a few samples of posters that had content similar to their existing content, but with the new guidelines.
A sample of what an Instagram page following given guidelines would look like.


An advertising campaign created for John Howard Society Ontario.
