Perfil de Raidho Aesthetics

Pixels per Seconds / Hello World Processing

Pixels per Seconds / Hello World Processing
— Ultra Lab / Raidho + La Mosca
Titles { Opening, Ending }
Wipe (fade)
Hello World! Processing is a documentary, by Ultra_Lab, on creative coding that explores the role that ideas such as process, experimentation and algorithm play in this creative field featuring artists, designers and code enthusiasts.
We worked in collaboration with La Mosca in the concept and direction for the Visual Aid in this Documentary, Pixels = Seconds is the basis of the concept, we thought that the visualization of each clip, used in this documentary, as a whole would reinforce the message of what processing is like in a visual manifestation of clips merged together, how they individually represented in a timeline and how they collectively add a meaning in a whole new form. 
With spanish subtitles:
The opening reveals the whole clip timeline, and continues by removing the unassigned clips corresponding to the current frame/time.
Ending Titles
For the ending titles we created a system which assigns a value, represented with an specific clip, to each category in the ending tittles. category = n / n= clip# 
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Pixels per Seconds / Hello World Processing

Pixels per Seconds / Hello World Processing

Hello World! Processing is a documentary, by Ultra_Lab, on creative coding that explores the role that ideas such as process, experimentation and Leer más
