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The evergreen project - more green in the city

For installation design we were asked to create a temporary installation. We could chose the subject we wanted to create around and I was interested into the small city-gardens at Ghelamco arena, Ghent. But these gardens were planted illegal and they were asked to be removed by city-hall. However lot's of people want there own patch of land to plant one so I thought it was mighty interesting to create a suggestion. The installation itself allows you to grow vegetable, flowers and even herbs above your head.

It is also possible to place it for awhile and also to tear it back down. This way if there are any problems with neighbours and the city itself, people can simple move the installation to a new and available patch of land. Water has to be available in the surrounding aera. The purpose of the installation is also to provide friendly neighbor contact and perhaps even selling your ware. There are many options ...
The evergreen project - more green in the city

The evergreen project - more green in the city
