I've explored all my archived drawing 4 years ago. And one the drawing I found is this.
And then, I decided to give it a digital life, since now I am active using Adobe Illustrator.
As the matter of fact, I have stopped drawing 4 years ago, and this drawing is one of the last I draw. Seems that I have to start drawing again~
Made an improvement to the colour of the hoodies.
Improvement to the stroke for the eyes, mouth, nose, and added some twist to the hoodies. Evil is anywhere.
And lastly, the full body! The first time I really complete the full body of a character! To Adobe Character Animator, maybe?
p/s : Thanks to all that inspire me to start this project and help me through the processes by suggestion on improvement. That really helps me a lot!
Drawing to Digital

Drawing to Digital

Found a drawing from 4 years ago and decided to give it digital life!
