Profil Sarah CederbergProfil Sarah Cederberg

Cosmic Brownies

Cosmic Brownies Repackaging
A packaging redesign of Cosmic Brownies created for a class project. This concept utilizes the bright colors of the chocolate chip candies to create a space-inspired design for the existing product line.
Redesign the packaging for an existing product that is available in a convenience or grocery store.

Update the design of the individually wrapped product to increase product recognition and draw in new consumers of all ages.
Concept Sketches
I considered bulk and individual packaging ideas for the product but eventually decided to create an individually packaged item as a way to bring in new customers who may not have tried the product before.
I built small prototypes to test both bulk and individually wrapped packages before selecting my final concept. I tested out printing both text and patterns on vellum but ultimately decided to design a paper label to increase readability, as well as ease of scanning at the cash register.
Package Label
Throughout packaging the product, I tested out different colors and layouts. Initially the nutrition information was created for the packaging, but due to the size of the label and other factors, we determined that the product could be exempt from the requirement, and instead house the nutritional information line for the product.
Cosmic Brownies