Profil von Corinne Klc

The New Yorker Magazine Covers

The New Yorker Magazine Covers
The New Yorker magazine is well known for its illustrated covers. These are usually in regards 
to the cover story and can range from current political topics to cultural and a targeted audience.  
I decided to take on the topic of Type 1 Diabetes and show a three part raw look into life along 
with the feelings and chaos that are present.
My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of two. 
On average she gets about 150 injections a month. 
A general feeling we have with this chronic illness. The constant management and juggling the numbers and factors of blood sugars and then also dealing with insurance companies and outrageous insulin prices 
Every single day Type 1 diabetes fight to stay alive. They are doing the job of a human organ on the outside of their body, and its not as easy as just giving yourself a shot of insulin a few times a day. When a diabetic gets sick their body can go into something called diabetic ketoacidosis. This is scary and can lead to a trip to the ER and possible death. 

After a particularly rough night of fighting to keep my daughter alive I woke up to a mess of diabetes supplies all over the floor and snapped a picture to show an inside look at our life. This is a representation of that picture and the chaos that is felt daily in juggling supplies and managing this disease.  
The New Yorker Magazine Covers

The New Yorker Magazine Covers

A raw inside perspective into life with Type 1 diabetes
