SF Motors BTS/Print Branding

SF Motors BTS 

Recording the action behind the scenes at the SF Motors launch was truly a blast; we got to document these wonderfully talented individuals and their companies as they brought their A game to this event. We had hours of site footage to hone down to make this video, which nicely captures the launch experience and all of the extra effort that went in to making this project succeed. 

SF Motors Event Print design

This video presents a quick breakdown of some of the elements we designed for the SF Motors launch. By introducing this look, we were able to promote the technological aspect of the project in a white, clean environment that allowed us to cross different media in complimentary ways. As we were developing the countdown clock for the event, we realized that we needed an iconic element to bridge different aspects of the project. Our answer was this 3D plexus system that could be rendered in a billboard size, with depth of field, and then printed at the event.

SF Motors Development

Here are some alternative development ideas we had while building the brand.

SF Motors BTS/Print Branding