There are worlds that change your world. There are decades that change everything. What wonderful worlds! You were a simple and fragile person ... until you met the '80s and' 90s: and you became the wild, sexy and unrepeatable creature you are today. The '80s are a video clip, the evil ones are scary and the hairstyles make you laugh. The '90s are an email, their wounds did not close and their loves, either.
This special faces two galaxies that are two states of grace. Two ages that remain. The lack of control and the other uncontrol. The cold war and the war kept in the freezer and reheated at midnight, with the lights off and the television on.
You can choose. They are 30 films of each decade and compete in categories as arbitrary, exquisite, demanding ... as your palate. Every night, a trip to the '80s and the' 90s.
TCM 80s vs 90s


TCM 80s vs 90s
