A while back I was part of a small team that helped develop a new logo for a Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas, TX. Below is my exploration of the marks, leading to the final result. Enjoy.

Built over 90 years ago, HPPC has a rich history with the city of Dallas. Our clients wanted to refresh their logo in a way that would honor their past while feeling fresh enough to bring in a younger audience. We pulled a lot of inspiration from the church's incredible architecture and intricate detailing.

For more information please visit https://www.hppres.org/

Previous Logo
Round One
Round Two

Inspired by their exterior sign, I began to explore a modern take of Blackletter. The final mark is a hybrid of old and new, creating a unique look that has stood the test of time and stands out within the context of modern church branding.

Thank you for looking!

Photography by the very talented Brian Braun
HPPC Branding


HPPC Branding

Church branding
