Victoria Kittelsen 的個人檔案

College Work - Butterfly Field Guide

This is a butterfly field guide designed for the Allens Pond Wildlife Sanctuary in Westport, MA, a part of the Massachusetts Audubon Society. The guide details ten species that appear in the area. For each butterfly, I illustrated each phase of its life cycle from egg to full-grown adult so that users can identify a butterfly in any phase. Each butterfly also includes a short description and a drawing of its larval plant. The purpose of the project was to create something beneficial to Allens Pond and to lend visitors a greater insight into and appreciation for the area. Working on this project, I gained valuable experience in working with clients and incorporating their needs into the project. 
These initial skeches were made with ink and colored pencil. They were then scanned, any pencil marks and rough edges removed in Photoshop.
College Work - Butterfly Field Guide


College Work - Butterfly Field Guide

This is a butterfly field guide designed for the Allens Pond Wildlife Sanctuary in Westport, MA, a part of the Massachusetts Audubon Society. The 閱讀更多
