‘Starscraper’ is an urban structure, which challenges a growing problem of light pollution in highly urbanized areas.

For most of Earth’s history, our spectacular universe of stars and galaxies has been visible in the darkness of the night sky. Since few decades, this astonishing view is becoming a scarcity, reserved only for those living far away from big agglomerations.
But the adverse consequences of light pollution extend well beyond aesthetics. Research suggests that disorder in the cycle of day and night can influence human physical and mental health.  A loss of natural darkness does not allow us to rest appropriately, thus increasing stress levels. But we are hurting more than ourselves. Wildlife is harmed too, artificial lighting disrupts the natural cycles, causing anxiety and health problems.​​​​​​​
There is a lack of dispute over the issue. Research shows that approximately 80 percent of the world's population is living under ‘bright’ sky, never having the opportunity to rest in natural darkness, to see the stars.  The root cause of the problem is illumination, large billboards, mismatched bulbs, but first and foremost, a lack of control of the amount of emitted light. At the top of all, it's a big waste of energy and money. Most of these issues can be solved with the use of new technology, simple but efficient management, and reasonable approach.​​​​​​​
The main goal of ‘Starscraper’ is to start a public debate on the issue. The easiest way to draw people's attention is to attract them by offering a form of entertainment. For that reason, ‘Starscraper’ offers an unique possibility of observing purely dark sky above the New York City - one of the most light-polluted cities in the world, ‘the city, that never sleeps’. Certainly, one of the most significant places in New York is the Central Park. As the evidence of nature presence within the city, it can be also a good spot for locating the installation, which aims at connecting people to nature.​​​​​​​
‘Starscraper’ reaches height of 2000 meters - it’s the average altitude of light glow range above Manhattan. It consists of three parts: technological unit, educational unit and observation spot. Additionally, a telescope mounted on the top of the building collects information about the light and works twofold - sends optical image of sky down the tower towards the dome, and converts it into a digital picture. Those images presented on inner walls of the dome create an unique educational path along the ramps. The ramps resemble an infinity sign. It is the metaphorical road through the universe. The picture of the night sky is also displayed on the facade of the building and can be seen from the whole Manhattan. This can be achieved by creating mist, with help of water sprinklers, that surrounds the building. The image is then projected onto it. The lake, which lays at the bottom of the building deepens the effect even more, thanks to the reflections.

The issue was not ignored by the environmentalists, which even already created a few ‘dark sky parks’ around the world, meant to bring the issue to public attention. Those parks serve either ecological or educational goals. But to move further, we need to take actions to fight the problem. Presented project is an attempt to do the big step forward, and begin to preserve clear dark sky in the places, where the problem is most striking.
Project team:
Iwona Dziemiańczyk
Andrzej Foltman
Michał Gawron
Monika Godlewska
Marta Wojciechowska


‘Starscraper’ is an urban structure, which challenges a growing problem of light pollution in highly urbanized areas.
