"Footprints in Sand" is a portrayal of the cultural icons and milestones in the wonderful journey of the development of UAE. Here, cultural symbols and qualities, that made this nation, are represented in papercut design mixed in water colour.

Communication opens doors to learning, understanding and camaraderie. UAE prides itself on the deep bonds between people and a close knit culture of oneness.
The Qawha brings people closer. Since long, having Qawha together with family and friends has been regarded as a bonding moment. The spirit of Etisalat during the traditional tea time spreads joy, fellowship and brotherhood. It is considered a cultural icon in UAE. The nation has risen as one, by sharing and caring. 
Communication is a part of everyday life, which helps us connect, interact, share and grow; become one as a family and a nation.

شجاع (Gallant)
Courage and Gallant are the pillars on which a strong nation is built. Today UAE is a self reliant and strong economy, surging ahead on the world map. Much of this development is credited to the gallant people of this land, especially the fishermen (Al Samaamik) who in search for a living, braved the strong waves and ventured out to deep sea. This artwork in papercut design and water colour background, depicts the traditional fishing in the country using fish traps made out of date palm called "Gargour", used on "Sasha" the traditional fishing boats constructed using date palm tree. Shuja displayed by those courageous fishermen of yesteryears, has catapulted UAE as a strong fishing centered economy. The heritage of those years still remains as UAE's cultural symbol. This art is a salutation to the Gallant fishermen of this country.

Trust is the paramount quality for any community to prosper and grow. The foundation of UAE, stands on trust and mutual understanding. The trust placed by the citizens, on the founding fathers, the trust of people for the leaders and trust between people- they determine the rise and success of this country. 
Falconry is a part of life and culture and not just a popular sport and entertainment in UAE. The trust between a falcon and falconer creates a bonding where the falcon submits to the call of the owner and the owner believes in the falcons' response. The falcon and the falconer hunt together as a team and the trust is strengthened for a lifetime. Similarly, the trust in our daily lives help us to develop as a close knit and strong country strengthened by unity and harmony.

A palm tree is symbolic of Humility. Growing tall and proudly standing upright, viewing the world below with compassion, the palm tree still stays strongly footed on the ground. It gives back to the world everything it has taken. Every part of the palm tree comes to use to the world in some form or the other.The date, the leafs for making huts and baskets, the stem to build boats and the branches and roots for handcrafted curios.Today UAE prides in being a fast paced developing country with a strong economy and sought after destination by people around the world. Palm tree is an essential part of the culture and life of UAE since long. This tree is a source of a primary food Dates, and is also utilised for numerous activities of daily life in the country ranging from building houses and other structures, boats and handicrafts that are exported around the world Humility is the pivot around which UAE has grown. As the nation grows upwards, the roots remain strong in the rich culture and heritage of giving back to the society, holding the core values of compassion, commitment and cooperation for everyone.The papercut artwork mixed in water colour brings forth the word "تواضع" a key element in the culture of UAE.

قيادة (Leadership, Guidance)

UAE as a nation has grown leaps and bounds with the great leadership and the path that the earlier and present leaders have paved. The rich heritage and culture of the country were upheld along with the economic development reaped over the years. Through this artwork قيادة is represented through Pearl Fishery, a key element of the country's heritage, where the pioneering leadership of the captain helped the industry become a strong force of UAE's development. Pearl divers(Ghaus) explored the depths of the sea and brought the treasures which were sorted and traded under the watchful guidance and leadership of the captain(Nukhada). Pearling was more a part of life and culture of UAE rather than just a trade. It has become an essential part of the heritage of the country.

صبر (Patience)
The ship of the desert is a symbol of hardwork, perseverance, courage and patience.Camel waits patiently taking in a share of food that sustains for a long period of time, till it arrives at the destination. Waiting in silence and taking it's owner and his valuables through the scorching heat, Camel is synonymous with patience that gives courage and strength.UAE has been built with the perseverance and patience of the country's forefathers and  citizens who built this land stone by stone bearing the heat of hardships and hurdles. Camel is an essential part of the heritage and day to day life of UAE. The country's long walk towards growth is akin to the tireless effort of this symbolic animal. The result of years of patience has been a gift that we cherish in the form of this country. The papercut design artwork with watercolour background is a representation of the spirit of صبر. 

Footprints in Sand

Footprints in Sand

"Footprints in Sand" is a portrayal of the cultural icons and milestones in the wonderful journey of the development of UAE. Here, cultural symbo Meer lezen
