The Roaring Decay
lyric interpretation poster

"The constantly roaring decay, the destruction of every day," is a lyric from Mount Eerie's 'Wind's Dark Poem'. The poster strives to communicate the tone of the song and album as whole. The design is constructed by interweaving brushstrokes that reveal engraved typography like a charcoal rubbing. The chaos of the layered brushstrokes reflect the song's layered, chaotic instrumentation, both of which form an ordered cohesive whole.

Phase One asks the designer to choose the lyrics of a song to translate into an expressive typographic composition. The content can be either the whole song or selected phrases. In Phase One twelve (12) different fonts will selected and used to create quick black and white typographic sketches (size 8.5” x 11") that will serve as a basis for further development in Phase Two.
In Phase Two the expressive development ail take the typographic design/manipulation to the limit in terms of form, design, colour and communication. The final poster will be 18" x 24".

thanks for viewing :)​​​​​​​
The Roaring Decay

The Roaring Decay

Typographic lyric interpretation poster. Mount Eerie,
