Our goals for an MVP was to increase engagement, reduce exit rate as well establishing a CNN Signature look for live events.

Below you will see some of our process.

You can also check our live site here 

👆Original explorations tested a simple linear layout vs a dynamic one.

Initial test results indicated people appreciated the dynamic approach however, in a live event situation they preferred the simple linear way of consuming content.

"The main thing I don't like on the second prototype is it seems a little more cluttered at the top with the video and the side scrolling elements. I like to be able to get a running scroll of live events."

👆Further work explored the idea of adding a navigating for the different types of content. 

After testing these ideas some users found this approach confusing and unnecessary and, in the event of a live story, most users found all the content to be important.

"News types are easily recognizable except "more key updates" - it is not clear what types of content user wold see on tapping."

👆Exploration on desktop layout with ads.

👆The event tray helps our users navigate to other live events and the editorial team can use it to tease future live events.
👆The new updates button notifies our users of a new post. When no new post the buttons serves as a back-to-top button.

👆The page top houses the headline, authors, time stamp and featured media of a live story. It also contains the status of a live story (upcoming, live updates, ended)

It can also be dark themed to emphasize major breaking news stories. 

👆We use Sketch, Abstract, and Zeplin to create, share, and manage our projects. 

We are continuing to iterate and learn. ​​​​​​​
You can also check our live site here ​​​​​​. 
Thank you.
Product Design: Daniela Dewendt
Creative Direction: Mark Barilla
Product Manager: Alex Crumpler
Project Manager: Julia Kempler
Dev: Huge 
Editorial: Amanda Will, Merg Wagner, Veronica Rocha & Brian Ries
CNN Live Stories

CNN Live Stories

CNN Live Story product design
