. ALASKA . SUMMER . 2012 .
É bem estranho o momento que que você percebe quão rápido as geleiras estão derretendo. Vemos em filmes e na TV, mas você só sente de verdade quando se vive a esperiência incrível (mas medonha) de ver paredes gigantescas de gelo quabrando na sua frente.
It's quite disturbing that moment when you realize how fast the ice is melting. We see it on movies and on TV, but you can only really feel it when you live the amayzing (and yet, terrifying) experience of giant walls of ice breaking in front of you.
                                       "Man has reached the point where his impact on the climate can be as significant as nature's." (Joby Warrick)
50 Shades Of Blue
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50 Shades Of Blue

When I saw the power of Global Worming with my own eyes. Alaska - 2012.

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