Stephen Kowalski's profile

Daily Creative Challenge

Day 00 - Rocketship (13 April 2018)
I had a bit of a late start for the Daily Creative Challenge, but I have a day off, so I'm trying to catch up!
Day 01 - Fast Food (13 April 2018)
This is not a very original idea, and I don't think my execution was particularly good, but it's done. lol
I like this a bit better with the circular background. Characters could still use some work, but I think I'm moving on. :D
Day 04 - Camping (13 April 2018)
Campfires are my favorite part of camping! This kinda reminds me of a Boy Scout/Girl Scout patch.
Day 02 - Animal Companion - 14 April 2018
A koala skiing is a play on my last name - Kowalski. The koala face is adapted from a logo I created a few months ago. I decided to go all out on the ZigZag effect.
Day 05 - Fruit (16 April 2018)
I really went for a bit of an exaggerated look for this one with some extreme colors, altered perspective and somewhat unrealistic geometry. Might mess with it some more later, but I have a lot to do tonight!
Went with an alternate approach to the lines, and I think it is much improved!
Day 03 - Sports (16 April 2018)
While I love traditional sports, I'm also a huge fan of esports. My favorite player on my favorite team (Khroen - HeroesHearth Esports) just got a huge win this weekend. He's been talking about dyeing his iconic afro to match his team's colors, so I had the idea to do this mash up of their logo.
Day 06 - Skyline (18 April 2018)
I decided to use the setting of a tabletop RPG I'm playing with my friends as the skyline I would design. We're playing a Superheroes game in New Detroit - the city built over the crumbling "Old" Detroit. The old city still exists below the glistening corporate megacity built above. The dark, decaying old city houses all sorts of vile things. The mega corporations hope to keep the darkness below stamped out, but you can never keep it completely sealed...
Day 07 - Under the Sea (18 April 2018)
I tried a few different compositions for this one. I think I like the third one best.
The Life Aquatic is one of my favorite movies, and I've always found this quote to be especially moving and really encapsulates the sentiment of the film. Wes Anderson always has such strong color and design in his films - very inspiring!
Day 08 - Musical Instrument (19 April 2018)
Ommni Box - Difficult-to-play instrument which enhances music. Tech Mo'r plays one for Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes in the Mos Esley Cantina.

Really struggled with this one - only had a few, bad reference images. The perspective is a bit off, but I got a late start and don't have time to fix it. Almost abandoned it a few times, but I'm glad I at least completed it.
Day 09 - Selfie (20 April 2018)
Simple selfie. :D
Daily Creative Challenge

Daily Creative Challenge

My contribution to the Daily Creative Challenge!
