IED Milano Visual Arts's profile

Logo Against Alzheimer's

Special Project - 2018 - Category: Brand Design
Designer/Student: Christian Marelli, Silvia Moccaldi, Eliomattia Scordamaglia, Fabrizio Cotugno, Sharon Pellegrino, Giorgia Tosi
Lecturers: Alexandra Grosse, Giuseppe Liuzzo, Dario Accanti
Qui di seguito i progetti degli studenti IED Milano che hanno partecipato al contest "Logo Against Alzheimer's" conclusosi nel mese di febbraio 2018. I team composti da Silvia Moccaldi / Eliomattia Scordamglia e Christian Marelli sono risultati finalisti.

Attraverso “Logo Against Alzheimer’s” grafici e creativi avranno l'opportunità di disegnare il logo di una delle associazioni più importanti nell’ambito della lotta alle malattie della memoria, offrendo un importante contributo a chi, ogni giorno, si immerge in situazioni di dolore per assistere quanti si trovino nelle difficoltà della malattia. Un logo nato per parlare di memoria e parlare alla memoria, sussurrando un'immagine riconoscibile, che sappia rassicurare e qualificarsi quale punto di riferimento - stella maestra - nel lento affievolirsi dei ricordi.

Here are shown IED Milano students project that participated to the contest "Logo Against Alzheimer's" ended in February 2018. The Silvia Moccaldi / Eliomattia Scordamglia and Christian Marelli teams were finalist.

Here a part of the brief available on the website:

Through “Logo Against Alzheimer’s”, graphic designers and designers will have the opportunity to design the logo of one of the most important associations in the field of the fight against memory diseases. In this way, they will make a valuable contribution to those people who daily face painful situations in order to assist people coping with the difficulties of the disease. This logo will talk about memory and to memory. It will be a recognizable image able to reassure and become a reference point - guiding star - in the slow failing of memories.

Christian Marelli's logo
Christian Marelli's project
Silvia Moccaldi and Eliomattia Scordamaglia's logo
Silvia Moccaldi and Eliomattia Scordamaglia's project
Fabrizio Cotugno's project
Sharon Pellegrino's project
Giorgia Tosi's project
Logo Against Alzheimer's

Logo Against Alzheimer's

"LOGO AGAINST ALZHEIMER'S" is a competition for the design of the official "Affetti da" logo, a non-profit association for research, early diagn Read More
