i am awake
a book by Vladan Mijatović-Živojnov
text and photography by Vladan Mijatovic-Živojnov
layout, typography, and photo-processing by Ivan Pešić​​​​​​​
"I hope that this book will inspire you to take your own trip to the inner an outer places 
that will make you a better, happier person, which is what this trip of a lifetime did for me."
Vladan Mijatović-Živojnov
"one of the Buddhas noble truths asserts that all of existence conditioned, without exception, is "transient, inconstant". In other words, all is impermanent"
Vladan Mijatović-Živojnov
"every day when i open my eyes. i first offer all the goodness i can imagine in my heart and mind, and later when i draw it like this in front of my home, I feel rich and free and everybody 
in my home is happy"
"enlightened mind is precisely your own mind which thinks of this and that"
Third Karmapu Rangung Dorge
"may all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering"
from the Four Immeasurable Thoughts 
"when the iron bird flies and horses run on wheels the Tibetan people will be scattered around the world, and the Dharma will come to the land of the Red Man"
Guru Rimpoche, 8th century A.D
Vladan and the Dalai Lama
Vladan is a devout Buddhist and a long time practitioner of tantric yoga. 
"I am Awake" is a journal describing his trip to Bodhigaya, India as a participant to Shri Kalachakra, the Supreme initiation to Tantric Buddhism accorded by His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. He also offers detailed descriptions of many tantric rituals, and relates his encounters with the participants to this event and the Dalai Lama.

More books and videos by Vladan http://www.paramitaproductions.com/
I Am Awake

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I Am Awake
