Not the demons that we bear. But what is hidden in those demons? Is there any kind of transformation can they experience? Does every human being deeply inside hide a demon both one of the multifarious and manifold beauty. And allure. Alteration begins hushed and yet so fleecy... 
Then deeply contended smile will came over. And all the goodness. Beauty. Winsomeness. And exquisiteness. What kind of human being will alter the demon? And could that demon in general be transformed? Whether transformer is a soul or energy. Or maybe just a magical moment? A moment. A spark. And hope. Just a adroitness or desire?
Demons are equally beautiful as beauty!? Are they? As laminated as the layers are. Demons appear only to save our miserable life and tentative thoughts.
Could it be if the demon is just a mask to save our own souls still more gentle then the silk? Into your loneliest loneliness you will have to acknowledge yourself one day what you really carry in your own soul.
Whether it's really a demon or a divine energy? Demons are patient under suffering. Life is meekness itself.
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