Design 360° Magazine No.74-Transformation&Regeneration

No.74  Transformation and Regeneration  | 改造與重生

Continuing the theme of No.73 “Design × Ideal City”, the theme of No.74, “city space transformation” is actually a deconstructing branch of the magazine’s annual theme “City”. It aims to explore how design changes the inner space of city. The editors hope to share the wonderful design and transformation cases to the readers. In those cases, we not only witness the practical significance of urban transformation, but also the artistic charm of city alteration and revitalization. Designers renew the historical culture that cannot be tossed away. They keep the pace of time with design and grasp the rhythm of history, which is highly inspiring for everyone.

book i   Lab  影像
book ii  Trail  行跡  |  Design in Copenhagen  哥本哈根設計力

- Hay

: click the names to view more :
book iii  Force 原力  | 

Critique  專論

The Intervention of Design  設計介入

: click the names to view more :
City Revitalization  城市賦活

: click the names to view more :
180° Feture  |  All About Grid  關於網格的一切

: click the names to view more :
270° Exchange  |  Unreal Scene: Hideki Nakajima  幻景:中島英樹

: click the names to view more :
|  Bremen Academy of Arts  不萊梅藝術學院

- 趙沅灃(Yuanfeng Zhao)
- Anja Enders
- Julia Meuter & Simon Barth
- Lisa Rein

: click the names to view more :
315°Blink   視野

: click the names to view more :
Publication Info

Chief Editor & Design Director : Shaoqiang Wang
主編及設計總監 : 王紹強

Editorial Consultants : Xiao Yong / Chen Nan / Javin Mo / Jiang Hua / Hei Yiyang / Aaron Nieh
編輯顧問 : 肖勇 / 陳楠 / 毛灼然 / 蔣華 / 黑一烊 / 聶永真

Design Assistant : Antiny Wu / Dingding Huo
設計助理:吳燕婷 / 霍丁丁

Coordinator & Flowcharting : Lauren Luo

Editors :Lauren Luo / Ed L / Yuer Bi / Emma Zheng
編輯 : 羅咏詩 / 劉恩 / 畢玉兒 / 郑颖欣


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Design 360° Magazine No.74-Transformation&Regeneration

Design 360° Magazine No.74-Transformation&Regeneration

Continuing the theme of No.73 “Design × Ideal City”, the theme of No.74, “city space transformation” is actually a deconstructing branch of the m Read More
