Morgan Jones from "The Walking Dead"
I started my initial sketch with one of Kyle T. Webster's brushes (Leaky Fountain pen and Inky Grind brush).
On a new layer, I used the Watercolor Flat Brush from the Sketch brushes for the background.
I used the sketch as my line art.
On another layer (under the line art layer) I added the dark tones for the skin.
I added some midtone as a hint of highlights.
Changed the Blend Mode of the line art layer to Multiply.
Added a lighter shade of brown, some color to the clothing and few more mid tone highlights.
Added some shadows on another layer and more highlights at 50% opacity
More shadows and highlights.
Added hair stubble, beard and more shadows (I used  the Watercolor Flat Brush for the shadows).
Completed the detail work (Final)


"Morgan" Digital painting done with Adobe Sketch on an iPad Pro
