An Installation for 'DIFF' 
At Tibetan Children Village
The Dharamshala International Film Festival (DIFF) is an international film festival showcasing the best of recent Indian and world cinema, including fiction, documentaries and shorts.
The festival was conceptualized by filmmakers Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam of White Crane films as a means of bringing quality contemporary, independent cinema to the culturally diverse location of Dharamshala. DIFF will be presented through their trust White Crane Arts & Media, which promotes contemporary art, cinema and independent media practices in the Himalayan region.
This origami project is a large scale installation that was installed in the courtyard of Tibetan children village during DIFF. We chose to work with waste papers from previous year brochures to make the installation. Our group decided to enhance the main characteristic of the site and so it was hung using jute string from ceiling of the stage near main courtyard allowing visitors to interact with it as much as possible.
The making.
Done in collaboration with Aakriti, Apporwa, Dorphy, Srishthi, Priyanka and Yashika
Kaagaz | DIFF

Kaagaz | DIFF

art installation at a film festival made with paper
