Stop Animal Abuse
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While we rejoice at the cute cat videos on the internet, there exists an entire community of people deriving pleasure out of torturing these fuzzy, helpless creatures.
Indian wedding horses are made to walk more than 30-50 kilo meters and remain standing for hours together. They are subjected to loud noises and are hardly given enough to eat. Many of them turn permanently blind, deaf, and lame.
At SeaWorld, Orcas (a type of killer whale) are confined and tortured for entertainment. Their life expectancy has reduce from 50 to 20. Keeping a huge creature in a small tank has led to depression in most of them.
The world's saddest polar bear, Pizza, lives at a shopping mall in China under deplorable conditions, just to attract more people.
Every years millions of mice, guinea-pigs, rats, and rabbits are cut open, burned, starved, blinded, poisoned, dragged without any anaesthesia and are usually killed at the end of these cosmetics tests.
Cecile the lion was killed at the age of 13. Recreational hunting was a legal practice in many parts of the world and causing a great deal of habitat loss. Many animals even endure prolonged, painful deaths when they are injured but not killed by hunters.
More than 300 species of birds are captured in most horrifying ways, bred in captivity and openly sold in India even after the trade of indigenous birds was banned in 1991. This process leaves them wounded, frightened and starved, if not dead.
Elephants are torn apart from their mothers, beaten and stabbed for years, to 'discipline' them into allowing people to ride them.
More and more indian household adopt pet dogs on a whim, only to realise later, it is too much of a responsibility. They abandon them and leave them to fend for themselves, and live a life of misery.
Every years several monkeys are torn apart from their big families to perform painful, confusing and demeaning tricks. They are beaten and deprived of food by the 'madaris' for 'training' purposes.
Article :
Stop Animal Abuse

Stop Animal Abuse
