Whispers for a 5 year old

I watched my favourite tree...the one with the peaches. That’s all I did.
I couldn’t stop looking and watching the green, lil leafs.

Then I saw the wind. He was whispering something to my tree.

Something happened. And nobody wanted to tell me.

The room was full of big people and everyone was crying. Everything seemed so sad. The tree outside was sad. The wind was sad. Even the cars in the main road were sad. My whole world felt sad.

Then dad picked me up and told me. You were gone. You were gone to heaven now.

But...no...that isn’t fair. We were just watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles yesterday. How could you be gone, it must be a silly joke or… wait I know… I know it must be a trick. And I’m always falling for their tricks.  

Then I hear the whisperssssss
“They found the car by the golf course”
     “The father wanted to take both kids”
          “Oupa insisted he take the child”
             “Both of them gone”
                “Used a pool pipe”
                  “There was a letter”
                     “He had problems”
                       “Why would you kill your own child?”
                          “His father took him late at night”

It’s…. I can’t… It’s...

It’s not funny. It’s not funny.  It’s… for real. You’ve gone away and never coming back. I looked at our toys by the fireplace and never wanna play with them again.  


Was it you?
The one who made me better?
Who stole my inner me.

Was it you?
The one who made me smarter?
Who hit my head against enamelled, porcelain steel

Was it you?
The one who made question?
Who told me I was dumb, stupid, a bitch.

Was it you?
My cruellest catalyst
Who woke me from my abusive slumber.

Was it you?
My ultimate alchemist
Who changed me into ME.

Shup, it’s been real.

Creative writing

Creative writing



Creative Fields