42, is the only number retired from all MLB's teams. It's the number Jackie ROBINSON wore on his jersey, the legend who broke the color barrier in the American professional baseball league. When he made is debut on April 15th, 1947, he was the first and only player of color in this league. He was bullied, harassed, threatened of death because people didn't like his skin color and in time of segregation didn't want to let a black player with the whites. Instead of fighting back every time he got humiliate, he found the courage to not use violence, to endure, to never give up his dream and to respond to them with his talent. He is the one who opened the path to all the color players, he changed the way baseball is play, he was a true champion, who contributed to the civil rights movements. Jackie Robinson he's the embodiment of all the values that Hood Pride represents that's why all ours baseball jersey will honor him and wore his 42.
TEMPLATE "42" - All Blue


HOOD PRIDE #42, baseball jersey collection
