Profil von Xander Lee

Gallery 1988 - 30 Years Later: 1988

'*Two US10 shoes required' Pencil, Ink and Digital, March 2018
Ecstatic that I not only get to finally show off my Die Hard tribute piece for Gallery 1988's '30 Years Later' group show ;an art show focused on movies that came out 30 years ago; but for my debut, I get to be in the one that falls on the year of their name, 1988!

Was tough trying to narrow it down (I thought my almost choices of 'Phantasm II' and 'Mac & Me' were weird, try 'Doin time on Planet Earth' and 'Purple People Eater'!!) but how could I not show my love of the original blue collar, destructible action man! Kind of amazed no one's done this version of Operation, I mean there's even a Fallout and Finding Nemo one, though the latter has zero surgery orientation. I'd never actually played the game, let alone obviously owned a copy, so glad I took the effort to source an '82 era boxed version, even if the rubber band had fossilized. I didn't even know there was one!

It's currently up at Gallery 1988's LA gallery on Melrose Avenue , but if your not so local to Hollywoodland, it's also available on their online store!
Gallery 1988 - 30 Years Later: 1988


Gallery 1988 - 30 Years Later: 1988

Die Hard meets Operation for Gallery 1988's 30 Years Later namesake show!
