Franca Gramaglia's profile

Mep - B Due Dimensioni

Non Parallels Pleats 

Made with parallel mountain folds that remain vertical, while valleys remain parallel but angled. Creating a spiral effect.
 An A4 size 160 grams paper was used, it gives structure.Thee shape got with this folds let the origami a range of movement and elasticity.
However,r is not that easy to work the material. 
The color allows the shades and spots of lights to be contrasting.
One direction V pleats sequence 

On a parallel sequence of mountain and valleys folds is created a 45 degrees pleat, all along the paper. We get as a result V pleats that can be fold as mountains or valleys generating an infinite origami models. In this particular case al V pleats are fold in the same direction. 
The final shape we got is adjustable by its width, but rigid by its length 
Is advised to work with a rectangular paper size, the thickness of the material determinate the flexibility and strength of the structure; as more thick less elastic but more resistant.

Opposite V pleats sequence 

In these examples V pleats in different directions are combined. 
With infinite possibilities, we can create different shapes as patterns, or make the paper become 3D as folding it in different directions. 
The materials and sizes are the same as in the previous origami. But in this case we must know that the pairing of folds that we get as a result will also determinate the characteristics of the structure.
Knife across accordion - Crest style 

It started from a knife pleats by its length, combined with an accordion pleat by its width Carefully, the parallels folds are distanced generating the crest effect. 
This origami can be done with different quantities and sizes of crest folds. 
Also in this example we work with a rectangular paper size. 
The material plays an important role. After diverse experiments, we can advise to use a thick material, not that malleable. The reason is that we have to work it making folds and distancing them, so we need an element that does not mark itself easily. Taking in mind that the crest must stay at it place, it should be a little rigid, in order to guarantee the structure.
 In this Origami colors give and special light-shadow effect.
Different Materials 

Trying various material we can say that the choice of it is really important in our project. It will determinate the structure, properties and characteristics, and the aesthetic appearance. So we must focus on the materials that satisfies better all the requirements of our project.
Mep - B Due Dimensioni

Mep - B Due Dimensioni
