Profiel van Lydia Matzal

Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping Invite


My goal for this piece was to create a cost-efficient and memorable invite. Printed on a single sheet with the tent glued in, the piece folds in, sealed with a sticker and would be mailed in a clear bag. I designed the outside to draw viewers in. Inside, a tent pops up, holding people’s attention and encouraging them to check out the website and reserve a campsite. After creating the invite, I expanded the project and redesigned the website and created a social media campaign for the grand opening of their new campsite.​​​​​​​

My Role

Illustration, Typography, Construction
The mood board emphasizes playfulness, subdued tones with bursts of color, and rustic type.
I explored different camping invitations such as card that folded like a tent, but when I realized that other people might not read it as a tent, I decided a pop-up approach would make more sense and inspire more people to reserve a campsite.
I updated the camp's logo to a more modern design and included the Mackinac Bridge as a defining feature that campers can view from the campground. In the logo, I emphasized the “M” shape in the bridge.
I created clear space and color variations for the primary and secondary logos.
The typography matches the clean lines of the logo. The colors coordinate with nature and give the camp a rustic mood.
I designed the front of the invite to draw the viewer in with the call to action.
I kept the address side simple to give more emphasis to the other side where it opens. 
The invite includes a link to their website and I reimagined what the home page would look like. The top image is a carousal highlighting the grand opening and being named Michigan’s favorite campground.
I extended the grand opening campaign to Facebook.
I also imagined the camp advertising their campaign on Twitter and Instagram.
Thank you for viewing!
Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping Invite

Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping Invite

Pop-up invitation and social media campaign for the grand opening of a new campsite at Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping.
