Kyle Hoo sin profil

The Inevitability of Sin

This is best shown in a complete dark room with a projection.
Artist statement:
When I was filming this I had in mind that it was not only a political view on sexuality and religion, it also had its times of the ideal body in society. I have scars on my stomach and elbow from when I had the courage to long board down a steep hill with only 3 weeks of learning; that didn't go so well. I was playing with the idea that women body's are always exploited in photography or cinema. Why not make it a muscular male? It also coincides with the another topic, Adonis Complex or Muscle dysphoria. In this video, I interact with the camera in a sexual sort of manner. Letting the body flex and contort showings its bone structure and form. The light I played with in a strategic manner that goes back to my “Dunes” photos of piles of sand that look like the great Sahara desert. I chose to make it manual strobe, blinking a hand held lamp. Then heavily editing 41 different videos. The title also is a loaded comment on the expectations of families, like the saying: “You have to be in married in order to have sex”.
The Inevitability of Sin

The Inevitability of Sin
