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Pattern of Typeface / 形于色

Pattern of Typeface (形于色) Brand Identity Design

Pattern of Typeface (形于色) mainly focuses on graphic design with geometric shapes, typeface and patterns.

In Chinese, "形" means the shape. I used the basic geometric shapes to design the symbol of this brand and it is also consist of four combinations by "P" "O" "T", like the pattern format we usually see.

On the other hand, I mainly used the elements (geometric shapes) coming from the symbol of brand to design a series of Chinese characters (typeface). Then I combined each character itself repeatedly to form different patterns. These patterns can be used into the brand identity as well.

Inspiration: These Chinese characters are from an album I heard last year. The album consists of more than 50 songs and it is divided into 7 chapters except intro and outro these two parts. Each part’s name is a Chinese character and every character represents one kind of emotion which forms "色" in Chinese, the brand's name. So I chose these 9 characters to design the typeface and 7 main characters to be further designed into patterns.


形于色(Pattern of Typeface) 是一个专注于与几何图形,字形与图案的平面设计品牌。

品牌的中英文相呼应,“形” 即图形与字形之意,“色” 不单指颜色,延伸开来有图案之意。

去年有幸发现一张神秘的中文专辑,专辑由50+首歌曲,以「intro - 章节1~7 - outro」的形式组成。其中7个主要章节的名称「恐 - 惊 - 喜 - 哀 - 怒 - 乐 - 悲」各代表一种人们的情绪,中国有句话叫做 “喜怒不形于色”,这些中文字即 “色”。我把这9个章节的名称做成了中文字形,并把7个代表 “色” 的字形进一步做成了与logo相同形式的四方连续图案,应用到了品牌的整个视觉系统之中。

由此而来,“形于色” 在品牌的中文层面有两层含义:1. 用几何图形组成代表 “色” 的中文字形,即 “图形” 于 “字形”;2. 用这些设计出来的字形做成图案,“字形” 到 “图案”,也是英文层面的 “形” 于 “色”。

Idea Introduction

Typeface ( Every typeface comes from the album‘s chapter name 「引 - 恐 - 惊 - 喜 - 哀 - 怒 - 乐 - 悲 - 乱」. )

Typeface Card

Typographic Poster

Pattern ( Each pattern is made up of the corresponding Chinese typeface. )

 Business Card



Pattern of Typeface / 形于色

Pattern of Typeface / 形于色

Pattern of Typeface (形于色) mainly focuses on graphic design with geometric shapes, typeface and patterns. In Chinese, "形" means the shape. I used Leer más
