Maldoror Press is a web-based publishing house.
Free e-books on poetry, surrealism and anarchism.
Here are illustrations and covers I made for them.
Cover illustration and graphic design for La macchina Amleto by Heiner Müller.
Cover illustration and graphic design for Violette Nozières by André Breton, Salvador Dalì, René Char, Yves Tanguy, Paul Eluard, Max Ernst, Maurice Henry, Victor Brauner, E.L.T. Mesens, René Magritte, César Moro, Marcel Jean, Benjamin Péret, Hans Arp, Gui Rosey e Alberto Giacometti.
Cover illustration and graphic design for L'ipotesi cibernetica by TIQQUN.
Maldoror Press


Maldoror Press

Illustrations and covers for the web-based publishing house Maldoror Press.
