Throughout the long history of various worlds, secrets were revealed, many knowledge came to pass, controlled by procedures and came to power that was so dangerous that they could endanger the existence of a multitude of creatures and civilizations. For these reasons, the Wises has created the Guardians, the powerful creatures, the energy, to keep dangerous secrets of a hand that could do evil, find out forbidden. The Guards are able to lead seekers of mystical knowledge in the wrong way, scare off those who crave unnatural abilities, and if necessary, take away their mind and life. A large number of powerful artifacts and other ancient knowledge swallowed up the time that had been forgotten, and the Guards, for which few who ever knew, remained buried alive in a grave of no memories. Over the course of the millennium, some of the secrets have become known in some other way, many of the knowledge the Guardians have been furious harboring is now known to everyone, and while the Guards defended the entrance door according to hidden one, the artifacts were eaten by moisture and rust. That is why some of the wizards of the World of Fantasy are elaborating the idea of revealing the Guardians and finding ways to explain to them that their work is futile nowadays. It is believed that those creatures, dangerous when they need to protect the secret of their trust, have no protection when someone reveals them.
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Forgotten guards by Old Bone