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Facts about Cigarette Butt Littering

Cigarettes are made from thousands of chemicals. When cigarette butts are littered, some of these chemicals, most of which are toxic, can leak into the environment. These cigarette butts can contaminate water and poison animals who consume cigarette butts. According to the truth initiative, 75% of smokers report littering cigarette butts. And across the world each year, about 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are littered each year.
Photos courtesy of New Castle Herald, Calgary City News, and Johnson City Press.
Cigarette Butt Littering is very prominent on beaches, and therefore in oceans. This is a great threat to our marine life as cigarette filters are made of non-biodegradable plastic filters. Cigarettes are easily the most littered item on beaches with over 2.2 million cigarette butts collected by the Ocean Conservancy.  With the Butt Box, cigarette butt littering can be a thing of the past, and marine life do not have to face the negative impacts of cigarette chemicals.
Photos courtesy of the truth initiative, beachapedia, Eamonn McCabe, and Ocean Conservancy.
Facts about Cigarette Butt Littering


Facts about Cigarette Butt Littering
