Federico Bicocchi's profile

Hypothesys/Prothesys of Conspiracy Book Cover

This is a book cover i've made...er...for a book. Obviously you don't make book cover for a cereal box...... AMARAIGH?!

It is explicitly inspired by the alien guys in "they live" movie, inspired by the Stephen King novel. 

The purpouse was to represent a conspirationist boss, a ruler of the chemtrails and make him say "morirete tutti" that means: "you're all gonna die". 

The autho wanted to act as that conspirationist boss, evil and everything. 
It is a book about ebunking conspiracy theories by the way. 
They also made a... thing...for guitar... sorry i don't know the english name for it. But...here. They made this thing too. 
Hypothesys/Prothesys of Conspiracy Book Cover

Hypothesys/Prothesys of Conspiracy Book Cover
