This project was created during my second year of my college so as to create awareness for the Kere (man-made lake) pollution and its protection. I created a fictional story featuring the following characters who are the part of a lake ecosystem alongside humans, and how the intervention of a new person in their community, Mr. Waste, leads to changes in their lives. Here the Frog, also the interviewer, is collecting  data on the status of the residents of the lake through his show BIRD-VIEWS.
Danny_the kite
He is an enthusiastic kite who is all up for flying high. He gets high on the contaminated fishes of the Kere and according to him Mr. Waste is doing more good than bad. 
Rave_the Crow
He is calm and composite in nature. He knows about Mr. Waste's tactics and he wants to save the organisms of the lake, but no one listens to him. Otherwise he is peaceful in scavenging off the dead organism because of Mr. Waste.

Rubert_the Snake
He is an old snake who resided in the vicinity of the lake since ages. He has been mentally troubled because of his wife's death by the human friends of Mr. Waste. Since her death he has been trying to avenge it. (Only problem is that he isn't poisonous) 
Rudy, Normy and Paul_the Fishes
These are the only fishes who dared to come for the interview. Being the part of the lake where Mr. Waste has come in, all the fishes are terrified by his ways as they are dying rapidly and no one but the humans can stop it.

The Pelisons_the Pelicans
They are the V.I.P's of the lake. They own two islands on the lake and they only care about luxury. 
Interviewer_the Frog
He is the interviewer of the show, BIRD-VIEWS.
Interviewer_dying sequence

