The human personality is complexly composed of intricacies seen and experienced both publicly and privately, sometimes with little or no overlap between the two. Clothing is traditionally a wordless manner for a person to expose a part of the private side of their life to the public in a fleeting moment; after days and months and years these clothing choices become patterns and archives for characterizing these people. I would like to explore a way for clothing to create a symbiosis between the public and private sides of the wearer in a poetic manner. The world, our feelings, values, and circumstances change continuously and often the effects of such are harbored in silent ways. This collection aims to catalog the notion that we are ever changing and can show the world these changes in a wordless, visual manner.
Machine knit eyelet cardigan, sleeveless buttondown with hidden words, wordsworth ruffle skirt.
Fully fashioned merino wool dress. Ladders woven with corduroy and written mementos.
Machine knit stuffed sweater coat. Tubular strips stuffed while knitting and hand-stitched together.
Open Book; In Progress

Open Book; In Progress

These are the initial three designs from my senior thesis collection, which will be continued next semester. I have created a number of the texti 閱讀更多
