Sansevieria Trifasciata, an epic houseplant, performed its work “The Plant is Present” at the School of the Art Institute’s New Blood Performance Festival, November 19th and 20th, 2011. The plant sat silently while a total of 138 visitors took turns sitting in a chair opposite it, staying in its presence for as long as they liked. All guests were photographed, and asked to record their experience in a comment book. Responses ranged from “I felt a connection to the plant and was able to live in the moment” to “It was awkward” to “So good! I loved every second of it!” to “Marina was exactly as interesting.”  Sanseveria Trifasciata re-created its performance of The Plant is Present in Moscow for the First International Science Art Conference and Exhibition in 2012, with the help of Liliya Lifanova. and I gave a short presentation on the work and its relationship to that of Marina Abramovich. 
The Plant is Present

The Plant is Present

Performance Art piece.
