Gillian Golden's profile

AN IMP (who looks like me) IS STALKING ME series

run, you twit, run. (austin, TX)
santa's off the sauce. (ann arbor,  MI)
here cometh the birtheth of a neo-witcheth. (austin, TX)
the love story of the millenium. (austin, TX)
clear frames are pretentious, yet here we are. (austin, TX)
no shame in the deep, deep midwest. (jackson, MI)
bac level is somewhere between riding on a unicorn over a rainbow and death. (ann arbor, MI)
old timey prospectors DO exist. (brooklyn, NY)
ugh. dumbass imps, amiright? (brooklyn, NY)
are the cockles of your heart toasty? (brooklyn, NY)
it only takes one clutter of myopic spiders to ruin a perfectly good sandwich. (brooklyn, NY)
the hum-didity is very high today. the proof is in the hair. (brooklyn, NY)
um, rude. (brooklyn, NY)
don't mind me, just gently lowering my bones into a lukewarm cup of coffee. (brooklyn, NY)
these ain't your average worms. tread lightly. (brooklyn, NY)
snarling at yourself from a nearby stoop can be a cathartic experience. (brooklyn, NY)
AN IMP (who looks like me) IS STALKING ME series

AN IMP (who looks like me) IS STALKING ME series

As luck would have it, this creature (a yet-to-be-verified imp) began following me around last year. It loves: making vapid comments about my lif Read More
