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Violence Against Women in the Americas

Violence against Women in the Americas is an interactive video where the user can explore a variety of statistics in the Americas regarding violence against women.  The first map is a map which includes every country in the Americas with a population over 500,000 people.  The first statistic that users can see among all of these countries is the percentage of women in each country that agree men are justified in beating their wives or partners.
As users click on each country they can search the prevalence and strength of preventative laws within each country.  When no data is shown it is because this data was not collected in that particular country.  
These maps are created based on the most recent statistical information collected from various sources:
 Strength of preventative laws: UNDP (2014)
Prevalence of violence against women: UN Women (2011)
Attitudes towards violence: UNICEF Data 

Violence Against Women in the Americas

Violence Against Women in the Americas
