This is my family crest project, the objective was to make a family crest that was modernized and simplistic. 

Some inspiration for my project was a bunny drawing on by Shashank Sahay. The rest was my own drawings that I made in Adobe Illustrator. 

My final product is full of symbolism, first of all the colors are Polish flag colors. in the top right I have a taco, I am mainly polish and German, but I do have some Mexican herritage in my family and my grandfather Leo Harms, opened a restaurant in Iowa and he had a taco on the menu called the McTaco and he was sued by McDonalds and he won the court case because they hadn't trademarked McTaco yet. Next in the top left I have a football, because my family is very athletic and we all play sports but my grandpa's cousin, Pete Banaszak, was a running back for the Oakland raiders and another family member John Banaszak, was a coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers from 1975-1981. Then a cross for religion in the bottom right, boring. Then a rabbit in the bottom right, first the rabbit is a wild animal but it can also be domesticated showing how my family likes pets and animals and we also like to hunt, lastly the rabbit is a fast animal and my polish great- grandparents escaped Poland and immigrated to the U.S. days before the German invasion so this is symbolized by the rabbits speed and luck which is brought on by its foot. 
Below is my planning stage and some inspiration. 
Banaszak Family Crest
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